About Classes With Aleya - Aleya Dao is a sound healer, energy practitioner, and spiritual guide. Aleya shares tools and offers guidance in times of change and transformation. Her online classes and world wide retreats can help you heal, shift and manifest.

About Conference Call Sessions - Aleya Dao is a sound healer, energy practitioner, and spiritual guide. Aleya shares tools and offer guidance in times of change and transformation. She has clients around the world who enjoy her conference calls and online healing sessions to help shift the consciousness of their body and soul.

Aleya's Retreat Guest House in the Sierra Foothills -

Aleya's Sound Healing Music - Aleya Dao's Sound Healing Music | 9 Albums | Deeply powerful sound healing using singing, toning, instrumentals, and nature for shifting your consciousness and transforming your life.

Background Music by George Friendenthal - Background music by George Friedenthal. This is a beautiful 6 to 8 minute track of background music that can be played for meditation, massage, relaxation, and pure pleasure of delighting the ears and the heart. George Friendethal has composed all of the tracks. He channels his music from the healing spheres of Sound. His music has the capacity to transport the Soul into realms of healing and transformation. At the age of three he began his journey and love of music. He has been a "profession" musician his entire life and has now fully embraced his capacity to "heal" with sound.

Cups of Consciousness APP and How To Use - Aleya Dao is a sound healer, energy practitioner, and spiritual guide. Aleya shares tools and offer guidance in times of change and transformation. Her guided meditations can be easily accessed and enjoyed from a mobile device.

dailymeditation -

Directions to Aleya's Guest House Office -

Empowered Empath Affiliate -

Help Page - Steps On How To Navigate aleyadao.com and access the Cups of Consciousness with Aleya Dao

Must-have Treasures & Extras for your Soul - Must-have Treasures & Extras for your Soul Some essential protocols

Past Trips with Aleya - Aleya Dao is a sound healer, energy practitioner, and spiritual guide. She shares tools and offers guidance in times of change and transformation. Aleya plans healing dolphin and whale viewing trips all over the world for small groups.

Prepare for your Session with Aleya -

Quit Smoking - Aleya Dao is a sound healer, energy practitioner, and spiritual guide. Aleya shares tools, meditations and other products to assist in healing and optimum health. Aleya's meditations can help with addictions, including smoking.

Stay Healthy in Flu Season - Aleya Dao is a sound healer, energy practitioner, and spiritual guide. Aleya shares tools, meditations and other products to assist in achieving optimum health and avoiding the flu during flu season.

Terms & Definitions and Using the Daily Cups of Consciousness Meditations - The Daily Cup of Consciousness Meditations work with your energetic fields. As your energy fields activate and increase their own intelligence you evolve into higher states of consciousness. Every morning Aleya tunes into the energy that is coming onto the planet that day. She brings in a specific meditation for each day with energetic protocols that help you manifest abundance, increase clarity, energy and joy, and get the most from every day.

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Thank You Updates from Aleya Dao -

Water Sound Healing Table - Aleya Dao is a gifted healer and spiritual teacher. She uses sound to help her clients achieve greater balance, clarity and vitality. A sound table is a massage bed filled with water.

What's New ! -

Cups of Consciousness - Subscribe to Aleya's Cups of Consciousness meditations. Powerful balancing guided meditations delivered via e-mail each morning and online. Group healing meditation sessions.

    Get the daily and TALL Cups -

    Daily Cups of Consciousness - Subscribe to Aleya Dao's Daily Cups of Consciousness energetic meditations. Choose from 3 or 5 meditations a week. Stay balanced and clear with guided online daily meditations.

    Next TALL Cups Tele-Video Sessions - Join Aleya for a live and recorded tele-video energy balancing session every three weeks.

    Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions - 1 hour live and recorded video-tele conference call session. Aleya Dao's tall cups of consciousness online meditations - Shift your energetic fields and transform your consciousness and life.

        Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions - Aleya Dao's Tall Cups of Consciousness online energy balancing sessions help to shift your energetic fields and transform your consciousness and life. The Tall Cups are a 1 hour live and recorded video-tele conference call session.

    Individual Meditations - Purchase Individual audio meditations for spiritual guidance.

    Get It All - 1 Year Subscription & All Past Cups - Get It All - 1 Year Subscription & All Past Cups

    Aleya's Bundles - Aleya's Bundles of music, daily, and TALL Cups.

Free Starter Bundle -

    Starter Bundle & Upcoming Live Free Classes - Getting Started & Upcoming Live Free Classes

    The Path of the Power Couple - The Path of the Power Couple

Empathic Sensitivity Deck - Purchase the Empathic Sensitivity Deck and clear empathic sensations.

TALL Cups of Consciousness - Aleya's TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions have the ability to shift, heal and raise consciousness. They are available for download and purchase. They are live tele-video sessions.

Individual Meditations - Download individual cup of consciousness healing meditations by Aleya. Aleya's spiritual guided meditations can help with balance, clarity and vitality.

    Gridwork - Receive help with grids issues through guided online meditations for grids. Purchase spiritual meditations for energetic grids online and listen to guided meditations at home for grids issues. Download energetic healing meditations for balancing grids.

    Protection, Security, Safety - Receive help with protection issues through guided online meditations for protection. Online meditations for security and safety. Download energetic healing meditations for protection, safety and security.

    Family, Parents, Ancestors - 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help release ancestral blocks and issues that are not yours. Heal and balance family dynamics.

    Aleya's Music and Toning - Download energetic healing meditations with Aleya's music, toning and sound healing.

    Empathic Sensitivity - Receive help with empathic sensitivity issues through guided online meditations for empathic sensitivity. Online meditations for empathic sensitivity - purchase spiritual meditations for empathic sensitivity online and listen to guided meditations at home for empathic sensitivity issues. Download energetic healing meditations for empathic sensitivity. 7 min. audio meditation with energetic protocols and sound healing to help balance clear empathic sensitivity, judgment, stress, and increase personal responsibility.

    Grounding and Magnetics - Receive help with ground issues through guided online meditations for ground. Online meditations for ground. Purchase spiritual meditations for ground online and listen to guided meditations at home for ground issues. Download energetic healing meditations for ground. 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help increase grounding and your connection to Earth. Increase your ability to manifest. Find calm, energy, and passion.

    Faith, Grief, Loss - Receive help with faith issues through guided online meditations. Online meditations for faith, hope and loss. Download energetic healing meditations for faith.

    Timely Meditations, Mercury Retrograde - Receive help with Mercury Retrograde and other timely issues. Download timely energetic healing meditations.

    Earth, Nature Kingdom, Moon, Sun - Receive help with earth,moon issues through guided online meditations. Online meditations for supporting the Nature Kingdom, the Earth, Moon and Sun. Download energetic healing meditations for Nature.

    Body Health, Fatigue, Aging Process - 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find physical health, reduce stress, boost immunity, vitality, and peace. Body Deva meditations.

    Drama - 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help heal issues around drama, stress, lack, and issues of support.

    Listening and Hearing Angelic Realm - Increase your ability to listen to your divine self and the angelic realm.

    Insomnia, Sleep, Dream Time - Meditations to help rest and sleep deeply. Release insomnia. Heal in dream time.

    Trauma, Healing Past Hurts, Victim Vibration - Receive help with trauma issues through guided online meditations. Online meditations to heal trauma and release the victim energy. Purchase meditations for trauma online and listen to guided meditations at home.

    Angelic Guides and Archangels - 7 minute audio meditations to help you connect with your Guides, Team, and Spiritual advisers. Receive help connecting with your spiritual guides and team. Download energetic healing meditations for connection.

    Abundance, Manifesting, Money, Motivation, Finances - Receive help with abundance issues through guided online meditations for abundance. Online meditations for abundance - purchase spiritual meditations for abundance online and listen to guided meditations at home for abundance issues. Download energetic healing meditations for abundance.

    Emotions, Depression, Sensitivity, Fear - 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help balance your emotions, increase self love, open, and release emotional patterns that no longer serve you.

    Control - 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help heal issues of controlling and being controlled.

    Connection, Divine Line, Abandonment - 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find connection to yourself and your guides.

    Addictions and Release Behaviors - Download 7 minute audio energetic healing meditations for healing addictions, increase self love, inner strength. Let go of the self critique and unhealthy behavior.

    Anger - 7 min. audio meditation with energetic protocols and sound healing to help release anger and frustration. Move into grace, empowerment, and appropriate boundaries.

    Clarity - Receive help with clarity issues through guided online meditations for clarity. Online meditations for clarity - purchase spiritual meditations for clarity online and listen to guided meditations at home for clarity issues. Download energetic healing meditations for clarity. 7 min. audio meditation with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find clarity in all areas of your life. Find direction and purpose.

    Compassion, Love, Self-Love - Receive help with compassion issues through guided online meditations. Purchase spiritual meditations for love and compassion online and listen to guided meditations at home for compassion issues. Download energetic healing meditations for compassion and love.

    Anxiety and Stress - 7 min. audio meditation with energetic protocols and sound healing to help release anxiety and stress. Find calm and connection. Move into the present moment.

    Support and Gratitude - Receive help with support and gratitude issues through guided online meditations for support and gratitude. Online meditations for support. Purchase spiritual meditations for gratitude online and listen to guided meditations at home. Download energetic healing meditations for support and gratitude.

    Chakra Meditations - Receive help with chakra issues through guided online meditations. Purchase and download online meditations for healing chakras.

    Children's Meditations - Receive support for the children in your life as well as your own inner child with guided online meditations. Purchase and download online meditations for calming and guiding kids.

    Staying Present - Receive help with staying in the present moment with guided online meditations. Purchase and download online meditations for staying present.

    Release, Clear, Repair, Recalibrate - Receive help with release issues through guided online meditations for release. Online meditations for release. Purchase spiritual meditations for release online and listen to guided meditations at home for repair issues. Download energetic healing meditations for release.

    Focus and Accomplish Tasks -

    Creativity and Passion -

    Higher Vibration and Expansion - Receive help with expansion issues through guided online meditations for expansion. Online meditations for expansion - purchase spiritual meditations for expansion online and listen to guided meditations at home for expansion issues. Download energetic healing meditations for expansion.

    Whale Meditations - Receive help and guidance with online whale energy meditations. Download energetic meditations with Whales and their healing energy.

    Balance and Calm - Receive help with balance issues through guided online meditations for balance. Online meditations for balance. Purchase meditations for balance online and listen to guided meditations at home for balance issues. Download energetic healing meditations for balance.

    Service - Receive help with service issues through guided online meditations for service. Online meditations for service - purchase spiritual meditations for service online and listen to guided meditations at home for service issues. Download energetic healing meditations for service.

    Transformation and Spiritual Growth - Receive help with energetic transformation issues through guided online meditations for transformation. Online meditations for transformation - purchase spiritual meditations for transformation online and listen to guided meditations at home for transformation issues. Download energetic healing meditations for transformation.

    Tool Box Tools and The Basics - Receive help with tool box tools issues through guided online meditations for tool box tools. Online meditations for tool box tools - purchase spiritual meditations for tool box tools online and listen to guided meditations at home for tool box tools issues. Download energetic healing meditations for tool box tools.

    Clean Spaces - Receive help with clean spaces issues through guided online meditations for clean spaces. Online meditations for clean spaces - purchase spiritual meditations for clean spaces online and listen to guided meditations at home for clean spaces issues. Download energetic healing meditations for clean spaces.

    Empowerment - 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help you increase empowerment, protection, calm, hope, self love, support, and trust. Release unhealthy patterns. Release the victim.

    Relationships - Receive help with relationships issues through guided online meditations for relationships. Online meditations for relationships - purchase spiritual meditations for relationships online and listen to guided meditations at home for relationships issues. Download energetic healing meditations for relationships.

    Mass Consciousness - Receive help with mass consciousness issues through guided online meditations for mass consciousness. Online meditations to help unplug from mass consciousness - purchase spiritual meditations for mass consciousness online and listen to guided meditations at home for mass consciousness issues. Download energetic healing meditations for mass consciousness.

    Healing - Receive help with healing issues through guided online meditations for healing. Online meditations for healing - purchase spiritual meditations for healing online and listen to guided meditations at home for healing issues. Download energetic healing meditations for healing. 7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help heal old trauma, pain, grief. Increase your inner wisdom.

One on One Sessions - Pay for a One On One Session, Aleya's Insight, or Distant Healing. Pay for a One On One Session with a Seven Cups of Consciousness Practitioner.

    One on One Sessions with Aleya - Aleya has been an alternative practitioner for over 30 years. She is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and is the founder and author of the Seven Cups of Consciousness. She is a sound healer and has produced 9 sound healing albums.

        Pay For Sessions with Aleya - Purchase a private session with Aleya and watch your life begin to transform. Aleya is a powerful energy healer who can gently guide you to greater clarity, balance and vitality.

        Archive / Older / Unused -

        Sessions & Retreats - Pay for a one on one session with Aleya Dao.

    One on One Session with a 7 Cups of Consciousness Practitioner - Book a One on One Session with a Seven Cups of Consciousness Practitioner

    Distance Healing & Holding Vigil with Aleya - Distance Healing & Holding Vigil with Aleya

Live Coaching and Classes - Live video Zoom coaching with Aleya.

    Live Coaching Sessions - Join a live coaching sessions with Aleya. Ask questions and go deeper into the concepts and practices.

    Master Class Series - A series of live online master classes with Aleya Dao.

    Upcoming Classes In Person - Upcoming Classes In Person

    Purchase Past Coaching Sessions - Purchase Past Coaching Sessions

Foreign Language Content - All events and material for foreign languages.

    All Turkish Content - All Turkish Content Materyal Türkçe

        Aleya Dao ile Bilincin Yedi Kapisi’nin Derinlikleri Calismasi - Aleya Dao ile Bilincin Yedi Kapisi’nin Derinlikleri Calismasi

        Aleya Dao's Book in Turkish - Aleya'nın Türkçe Kitabı

    All Japanese Content - All Japanese Content

All Classes - Purchase audio and video files from past classes with Aleya.

    Aleya's Favorite Classes - A collection of Aleya's favorite must-have classes.

        The Empowered Empath Course - A 7 hour course for mastering empathic sensitivity.

        Gentle Transitions Class - Gentle Transitions Class

    Classes to Become a Practitioner or Facilitator - Classes to Become a Practitioner or Facilitator

        Seven Cups of Consciousness Practitioners Training Course - Become a certified practitioner of the Seven Cups of Consciousness. Learn how to use energetic protocols in your practice with your clients/patients and for yourself.

        Facilitator Coach Training - Facilitator Training with Aleya Dao and Doug Noll.

    The New Manhood Codes - The New Manhood Code Series

    Meditation Bundles - Purchase Aleya's Meditation Bundles to help heal, gain clarity and move past blocks. Each Bundle is designed to help with specific topics like manifestation, abundance, body health and vitality, and more.

    Weight Loss Audio Downloads - Purchase Aleya's online Weight Loss Conference Call Sessions to help remove blocks around body image and will power. Increase clarity, vitality and physical health and well-being.

    Energy Balancing Audio Downloads - Purchase Aleya's online Energy Balancing Conference Call Sessions to help remove energy blocks and foster increased calm and clarity.

    Relationship and Love - Healing sessions for creating and healing your relationships.

        Bring In The Beloved Partner - Subscribe to Aleya's Beloved Series and call in your perfect match. Watch your relationship grow and evolve using tips from Aleya's Beloved conference call sessions.

        Healing Intimate Relationships with Aleya Dao and Doug Noll - Download Aleya and Doug's Right Relationship 3 hour video series and watch your relationships grow and evolve into a healthier, happier state.

        Right Relationship Series with Aleya and Doug - Right Relationship Series with Aleya and Doug

        Cups of Conscious Connection with Aleya and Doug - Cups of Conscious Connection with Aleya and Doug - Tools to create healthy relationships with everyone in your life.

    Manifesting Abundance Audio Files - Purchase Aleya's online Manifesting Abundance Conference Call Sessions to help remove blocks around increasing abundance. Learn to manifest and achieve your dreams. Increase clarity, balance and vitality.

    Topic Related Classes - Specific classes that focus on particular topics. Body health, manifesting, clearing challenges, ect...

    Previous Event Classes - Previous Event Classes Download audio and or video of previous classes taught by Aleya Dao.

    Other Individual Protocols - Individual protocol meditations. Prepare for Surgery Connect with your Horse

Books - Aleya Dao Books

Aleya's Music - Purchase Aleya Dao's healing spiritual music. Available as download or a CD sent via mail. Aleya's music has the ability to shift consciousness and raise vibrations with her sound healing music.

    Sound Sleep Album - An hour long relaxing journey of music to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

    Across The Meadow Sky - A luscious invitation to delve deep into sumptuous sounds. Toning, light language, flutes, whales, guitar, dulcimer, gentle pianos, and of course the occasional soft chorus of frogs.

    Open Doors Album - Open Doors Album

    In Stillness Album - In Stillness Album

    Aleya's Lullabies - Soothing gentle toning and light language to help you sleep. Appropriate for all ages.

    Sound Medicine Album - Download or purchase the CD of the Sound Medicine Album. A healing journey of tones, whales, flute, and ocean scape.

    Awaken Album - Purchase Aleya Dao's Awaken album and her other healing spiritual music. Available as download or a CD sent via mail. Aleya's music has the ability to shift consciousness and raise vibrations.

    Oming with Whales and Aleya - Purchase Aleya Dao's healing spiritual music and her incredible toning with the whales. Available as download or a CD sent via mail. Aleya's music has the ability to shift consciousness and raise vibrations.

Deep Dive Intensive Retreat - Download video and/or audio files from the DEEP Dive Intensives.

    Next Deep Dive Intensive Retreat - Sign up for the next Deep Dive Intensive Retreat

    Download DEEP Energetic Dives - Download, listen, or watch the videos of the DEEP Energetic Dive Intensives with Aleya.

Aleya's Treasure Chest - Get other products offered by Aleya. Greeting Cards, the Empathic Sensitivity Deck, Supplements, and Healing Tools

    Aleya's Recommended Products -

    Supplements - Pay for Supplements that Aleya has ordered for you.

    Sound Table Bladder - Purchase the Sound Table Bladder

    Children's Corner - Meditations, music, and tools for children.

        Download Individual Children's Meditations and Songs - Individual Children's Meditations and Songs

        Download The Children's CD - Download The Children's CD

        Free Children's Meditations - Free Children's Meditations

Gratitude Gift - Give a gift of gratitude to Aleya.

Hidden Products - Aleya's sample hidden category

Energetic Support with Aleya - Energetic support with Aleya

Sales Funnel -